
O eTwinning é a comunidade de escolas da Europa - O projeto eTwinning foi lançado em 2005, como a principal ação do Programa de eLearning da Comissão Europeia, e desde janeiro de 2014 faz parte do Erasmus+, o programa europeu para a Educação, Formação, Juventude e Desporto.

Desde março de 2019 foi atribuído à nossa Escola o "Selo de Escola etwinning". Esta qualidade caracteriza-nos como uma escola de referência na comunidade, onde se constroem sentimentos de cidadania europeia, promovem valores, participação em projetos internacionais, práticas inovadoras, promoção e colaboração na comunidade educativa.
eTwinning na nossa escola 
Projetos eTwinning


Mind and Intelligence games are based on the principle of "Learning while having fun", which opens the mind and facilitates learning. We want our students to develop their logical thinking, reasoning, questioning skills.

eTwinning project page


Today’s students have grown up online, so they have been told the basics, such as creating strong passwords and protecting personal information. However, they may not understand why. By explaining how hackers obtain passwords and other information, it will help students understand the importance of this basic security skill.

eTwinning project page



This project is about Earth Overshoot Day. This term is really connected with consuming less as we, humans are consuming much more than the earth can regenerate in a year. That is why, we try to develop a zero waste lifestyle.

eTwinning project page


New Paths in Math – Innovative methods in math for engineering students

This project arose from the preoccupation of several Mathematics teachers towards the way the subject they teach is being presented to the professional courses which does not take into account the skills and the individual necessities of each pupil.

eTwinning project page

Virtual Classroom

Five countries, including Turkey, Portugal, Italy, Poland and the UK have been brought together to create a Virtual Classroom project over a 24-month period. The aim is that the participants, students and teachers, will develop their ICT skills in a joint cooperation.

eTwinning project page



Este projeto surge, por um lado, como forma de complementar o Grupo português "Viriato" e, por outro, de permitir aos 'Mentores' eTwinning portugueses um espaço de exploração das potencialidades do TwinSpace.

eTwinning project page

Eventos eTwinning


23 Feb 2021 - 18.00
The opportunity to discuss with close partners and all eTwinning teachers interested in netiquette. I would like to share and receive all experiences all over eTwinning teachers around Europe and the world. At last, but not least, we can unburden ourselves with others who have similar problems.

NETetiquette - COVID'2021 - Lockdown Schools

STEM in School

05 Mar 2021 - 19.00
We are supporting innovation in STEM education in our school. Our work is essential for expanding and consolidating a community whose core values reside in sharing good classroom practice, especially in the area of STEM, and making sure that students are equipped with the skills necessary to become successful adults. Our main goal with this event is the opportunity to share experiences and present some case-studies.

STEM Experience in School


11 Mar 2021 - 18.00
Today’s students have grown up online, so they have been told the basics, such as creating strong passwords and protecting personal information. However, they may not understand why. By explaining how hackers obtain passwords and other information, it will help students understand the importance of this basic security skill.

Cybersecurity in Schools

Climate change and its effects

16 Mar 2021 - 18.00
Everything we do makes a demand on nature. The food we eat, the clothes we buy, the way travel, everything. Added together, the demands made by each and every one of us- humanity´s Ecological Footprint. A good start for lightening your load on our plane is to first understand where your own impacts come from. Climate change is real, but there are lots of actionable steps you can take to save the planet.

Climate Change and its effects
